Event Tickets
Join us this summer as we host an array of exciting events in celebration of Pride in the Comox Valley. Read about our upcoming events below and purchase your tickets on EventBrite using the provided links.

Enter The Hive
August 26, 2023, 9pm | Wayward Distillery
In celebration of Pride Weekend, come join the hive. The outdoor club night everyone is buzzing about.
If you missed last summer's hit event, Uncaged, or you want to relive the amazing time you had this will be your event.
Great music and hot bodies create the best, stickest fun time you can have with your pants on.
Leave the world behind and just bee.

Drag Brunch
August 27, 2023, 10am | Match Eatery
As the finale to the Comox Valley Pride weekend 2023; Match Eatery will be serving brunch while the fantastic PM For A Good Time, Amanda Luv, Fanny DeVito & Rye serve drag realness. Be a part of Queer tradition !! Bring your 5$ bills for extra attention, Hunty!
This is a 19+ event (IDs will be being checked by site security).
Tickets do not include food/beverages.